Stuffed NY
by Sarah


125g Cold Unsalted Butter
80g Brown Sugar
80g Caster Sugar
150g Plain flour
100g Self Flour
200g Choc Chips
1tsp Baking Powder
1/2tsp Bi Carb
1 Large Free Range Egg

Chocolate Sauce

- Cream cold cubed butter straight from the fridge
- Mix in both sugars
- Mix in both flours, bi carb, baking powder, choc chips slowly until forms a crumb
- Mix in the egg slowly until mixer combines.
- Weigh out each cookie to 120g then ball and mould to form a well shape with your thumb.
- Fill the well with your filling of choice and close and roll back into a ball.
- Place all 6 balls on a tray with parchment paper. Cover with cling and freezer for 90 minutes.
- Pre-heart your oven to 175oC and place your baking tray with parchment paper on to preheat.
- Bake your cookies for 16 minutes straight from the freezer.
- Leave to cool on baking tray for 30 minutes then serve with an ice cold glass of milk or scoop of ice cream!